Search Engine Marketing Tips 2023 for Beginners – 23 SEM Ways to Increase Organic Traffic

Search Engine Marketing Tips for Beginners: Top 23 Methods to Get Search Engine Traffic and Good Rankings for your Blog.


Search Engine Marketing or SEM is the most valued part of SEO and Digital Marketing. If you want to promote and make your website a real success then you need a good volume of search engine traffic.

In this article we are going to describe some basic ways by following which you can increase traffic to your website, or any content using free Search Engine Marketing techniques.


First of all, this article is written for the ones who are beginner to search engine marketing. If you are already well aware about basic things in search engine marketing then you should read SEM blogs that focus on advanced level of search engine marketing tips. For example, read this post about SEM on blog and visit here to read an ultimate guide on SEM on Hubspot blog.


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Search Engine Ranking and Marketing Tips for Beginners


To make your task easy we have pointed out some very basic methods by using which you can increase number of the visitors to your website that come from various search engines.

If you follow the advice mentioned in these Methods you can get really huge Internet traffic for free. You will start seeing the changes within 1-2 days and after 20-30 days of full work on the submission process you can expect constantly growing spikes in your website traffic.


All this comes under Search Engine Marketing, the popular mean of online marketing.

Having a business website or blog is a must have tool for online businesses.


But having a website is not enough unless you get really good number of unique visitors on daily basis. And, if you own an online business then it becomes more important to get good search engine and referral traffic to it.

So, read on our tips on search engine marketing to get free web traffic from various resources, like- search engines, RSS directories, business directory sites, local advertising websites, social networking sites, and many of other types of content syndication and curation sites on the Internet.


Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Tips for Beginners for Ranking Online in Organic Searches


Million dollar question: “Does your website get enough web traffic ? If yes, is it getting traffic through only paid advertising or are you getting free search engine and referral traffic as well?


This is a big challenge: to get highly convertible and filtered organic web traffic to your web pages. But, not to worries, here we are to help you get a quick start on receiving a decent traffic to your blog site.


First important point to note: Blogs perform much better than websites when it comes to getting free search engine traffic. So, if you have a static website but don’t have a blog, then either create a stand alone blog for your business or company OR you can create a blog attached to your website within it, like


A blog can perform much better in search engines than a website. Why? Because a blog is regularly updated and there are many content syndication platforms that automatically visit blogs whenever there is fresh content. RSS directory sites, ping websites, and track backs are other factors that also contribute in making blogs a much better choice than websites.

BUT, the most important factor is that Search engines, including Google give a lot of weight-age to blogs because of freshness in their content, regular updates, and frequent user based activities, etc.

Business Blogging Tips for Successfully marketing a Blog ]



15 Ways to Increase Organic Traffic from Search Engines


Here are the simple, common, basic, fundamental, and effective ways and methods to get free search engine traffic for your business blog :-



15 Best Ways to Increase Search Engine Traffic for your Business Blogs-Websites


The fifteen tips or techniques mentioned below have been tested and tried over and over again by expert marketers and they have always found them to be the most common and prime ways to popularize their blogs or websites on the internet.

Online marketers run blogs and websites for various reasons, such as- online business, affiliate marketing, content marketing, brand making, products selling, lead generation, etc.

Now It’s your turn to turn the goals into results by simply applying these 15 ways of search engine marketing :-



#1- Blogging. Make Regular Blog Posting


Create at least one blog post everyday that is related to your business, but it should be interesting and useful for the readers otherwise who is going to read it if it looks only promotional.


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Publish posts regularly on your blog



This will keep your readers attached to your blog and hence it will help promoting your business brand. And, you could give at least a link to your services, products in your business blog articles.

In this way, your blog will also serve better to your business marketing sense.

Tip:If you don’t have much time to publish a blog your own you can hire a blogger or take content writing services from freelancers from any of the so many of reputed freelancer websites, like oDesk, Elance, iWriter, etc. Visit this post for the 17 Tips to Increase Readership of your Blog


#2- Increase the List of your Blog Subscribers



Increasing number of blog subscribers would surely bring in more traffic



Use a well placed nicely designed ‘subscribe our blog/newsletter’ box in a place in your blog where users can easily notice and subscribe to it. It’s a great way to build your email list for your business.

And, i hope, you may have already heard this famous quote for Internet marketing: “The money is in the list” 

➤ 10 ways to grow your list of email subscribers



#3- Search Engine Submission


Search Engine Submission is a process where you submit your website to all the major search engines on the Internet. In this process, you are going to inform Search Engines about your website and after submission, most probably, they will start crawling your website for the relevant content and keywords.


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Search Engine Submission for SEM


Now, submit your blog or/and website to all of the major Search engines, like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Msn, Scrub the Web, etc. Many of the business people only submit their website or blog to only Google or Bing. Ignoring other search engines is a mistake that you should never make in order to get maximum search engine traffic out of your free web traffic strategies.


➤ Submit your website free to best search engines


#4- Make Use of Ping Sites


Ping sites are also useful for SEM. This is a free option to let others know about that you have published new content on your blog. It is also helpful to submit your urls to ping sites if you have modified old content on your website.


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Make Use of Ping Sites for Search Engine Marketing


So, submit your blog or webpage to ping sites for faster and sure shot indexation by search engines as well as content discovering systems. Ping your website or blog pages every time to any of the good ping sites whenever you publish new content on your web. Use these any of the Ping Sites- or


Visit here to find a ➤ List of 10 best ping sites



#5- Submit your Blog to Traditional Article Directory Sites for Life Time Free Advertising


Article directories, such as DMOZ, Ezine, etc. Directory sites are highly visible in search engines and therefore your articles get good views on them regularly for permanent basis.

If your articles get views so get your website as you would have your site links in your articles that are published on such directory sites. Submit your business free to these of the top best article directories.


High authority Press release websites where you could publish about your blog



#7- Register on various RSS Directories and Put your Blog’s RSS/Xml Feed in there



RSS directories are free to register and they offer free feed submission services. Once you publish a new post it is reflected and indexed in RSS directories.So, you get free visits from there because these RSS directory sites are subscribed by thousands or millions of users and they get notification once there is a new article published in their subscribed category. Hence RSS directories serve as a great source of free search engine traffic for any blog site.


 Add your Blog url FREE to 20 best RSS directory Websites 



#8- Post Comments on Relevant Blogs that have Good Quality



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Post Comments on others Blogs for for referral Traffic and quality Backlinks

This is considered to be the top 5 methods for getting quality backlinks and referral traffic for your site. But, make good comments that are as per the topic and subject of a blog post. You should join many networks to be able to post on different blogs.Get here the list of hundreds of quality dofollow blog sites for comment backlinks.


#9- Be Visible on the Best of Commenting Platforms


Nowadays there is not a single platform for commenting. Different bloggers use different comment forms and many of them require you to have registered accounts to be able to post comments.

For an example, Disqus, CommentLuv, Facebook, WordPress, Gravatar, etc require you to have an account with them to post a comment using their system.

So, at least create accounts on these systems (it’s free) –


  1. Disqus
  2. WordPress
  3. Gravatar
  4. You Tube 


Learn How you can improve your website loading speed drastically by following the tips mentioned here 



#10- Submit Guest Posts on Authority Blogs


Guest blogging is used by expert Internet marketers and bloggers to drive targeted traffic from relevant blogs on a consistent level. Guest posting not only helps in increasing web traffic but also improving Google Page Rank (PR) for any blog or website.


Get here a list of 200 best of blogs for guest posting on various niches


#11- Create Relevant Content on Web 2.0 Sites


You may get free referral traffic as well as free backlinks to your original business blog by creating some blogging profiles on best of the blogging platforms, like Blogspot, WordPress, etc. Get here the list of 30 best blogging platforms for your business blog.

You should create some posts on each of the popular blogging platforms on the web. Fill your profile properly and create some interesting posts and also mention some links of your main business-blog posts.

This is also a great way to enhance domain authority (DA) of your blog. Ultimately the web 2.0 property sites will help in boosting your rankings in top search engines.


#12- Email Signature



Include links of your blog or website in your business email signature. This is a cool way to get free traffic for forever. It only takes 5 minutes to setup your links in email signature. Email signature needs One time setup and gets you lifetime free traffic.


 Step by Step of eMail marketing Guide for Bloggers



#13- Leverage Forum marketing


Find the list of best business forums on the internet. Forum marketing has been prevalent since the inception of the popular world wide web. You can get unlimited free traffic from marketing on various business forums on the internet.



#14- Submit your Blog to Good number of Blog Directories


Like article directories, there are blog directories on the internet that list blogs in their database. So, it’s a very good option to list your business blog in such blog directories where your blog gets a brief description and a free backlink from a blog directory.Submitting your blog to such directories is also important for generating quality backlinks. Use this list of best blog directories for the free/ paid blog submission.


 best social bookmarking sites to increase website traffic 


#15- Use Free Ad Posting Websites



Free classified sites are one of the most popular options on the Internet for easier and quick referral traffic. You could find thousands of classified sites to post free ads for any country or city.[ Free Advertising Sites ] [ Free ad posting sites ]

Every business now-a-day leverages the power of the Internet classified websites.


Tips and tools to Promote a small business



What is Search Engine Marketing and How it works: 8 SEM Tips for Beginners

8 Important Things to Consider while Promoting your Business Online using Search Engine Marketing


Learn Search Engine Marketing for Beginners. 8 Tips to start making Internet Marketing for your website or business. Promote a business using Online marketing Tips.




Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a popular form of online marketing. where we use both methods to promote a business or website. SEM is of two types: Free (SEO) and paid (PPC). The most important thing to note here is that search engine marketing is done through search engines by using a website for your business or services.


Search engine marketing can certainly bring in your website or business into the limelight if the appropriate strategies are utilized. Being able to get your site ranked via PPC or perhaps through the use of conventional search engine marketing is important to bringing in visitors that could convert into product sales. SEM plays a pivotal role in promoting a business or content online.


The methods mentioned below in this blog post will help you in understanding the basics of Search Engine based Internet marketing.

SEO Copy Writing Tips to Craft SEO Friendly Content


Search Engine Marketing involves many ways of online marketing, such as :-




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8 Tips for Search Engine Marketing for Beginner Marketers


Who can benefit from Search Engine Marketing?


Today, the Internet has become a really major game changer for businesses and individuals and plays an important role in deciding economic factors. There are lots of financial, money, employment, and business reasons that involve the Internet or digital mediums and online marketing.

So, the area of SEM effect is very large and it is making a huge impact on various aspects of the business and financial matters.


8 Important Things you Must Do to get Business Success via Search Engine Marketing:


What If you are just starting up to the Internet marketing:-


#1. The first thing you must do is submitting your website to the major search engines. The search engine submission will help you getting your web pages fully indexed in almost all the major search engines. Now, go ahead, and add your website to 50 search engines


#2. The second most important thing to do: Adding url of your website to the RSS Directories. RSS Directory sites always crawl to the submitted websites whenever they find new content there. Find a list of websites where you could add your feed url for consistent crawling and pinging of your newly published Content. Visit here to get a list of best RSS Directory websites


#3. The Third Important thing to do to get more from your SEM efforts-Pinging your website content regularly whenever you publish new content!This is very important step as it tells to the every major content hungry platforms about the freshly published content on the web, including yours if you ping the urls of your web pages !


And, how to ping them? Read this post to learn about using the important pinging websites as this is one of the great tools to market your website freely on the Internet.



Preparing for the next level : Becoming from Beginner to Intermediate Marketer in SEM:


If you happen to be a beginner to the SEM game and then there are a couple of things that you must understand before you begin your own search engine marketing promotions. Here are 4 more ideas that may help you quickly get ranked and also drive targeted traffic through the use of search engine marketing.



#4 Website Design


Website design is just one of the most crucial elements of search engine marketing. In case you are not working together with a website designer that actually knows precisely how the search engines operate then you definitely are placing yourself at a disadvantage.


Even though you do not need to seek the services of a search engine marketing firm to help you, making use of an industry expert is one among the best options to making your site appear in search engines.


[ Web designing Tips to create an impressive website ]



#5 Marketing and Keyword Research


There are a lot of articles online with regards to keyword research in fact the importance of making use of low level of competition key phrases for your own URLs, posts as well as domain name. Nevertheless, a nice application has reached the market today known as Mozenda.

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Do Keyword Research for Marketing your Website

Mozenda is a web based scraper unlike all other. It incorporates a very simple point and click interface to figure out keywords for your own niche which are in no way found in the Google AdWords or even Keyword phrase Top-notch software package.

Mozenda is commonly used by organizations such as IBM, Yahoo and also Harper Collins.

The applications come along with a full-featured simulation so that you can give it a try before buying it. The software allows you to very easily save the information in an Excel file which makes it convenient to recall and extract.

As soon as you get your own keywords you could start developing or revamping your site based on the keywords.

[ How to use Adwords for Keywords Researching ]



#6 Not Forgetting your Audience


Search engine marketing may possibly lead a site owner to barely thinking of their rankings within search engines. Should you just forget about your own prospect then you definitely have a site that has a ranking high in the search engines however it will not convert into sales.

At all times you should think about the customers and also place them first before your website rankings.

There may be a feature or even some software that will help you grow pseudo momentum in the search engine results pages; but, it could place your potential customers at a disadvantage.

At all times you should think about your website from a visitor’s point of view.

Search engines usually do not buy your product or service they as well would not click on your own advertisements.

Bearing in mind the aesthetic worth of your site or perhaps your pay-per-click advertising is essential to getting clicks that converts into product sales.


#7 Make No Hypes and never Over Promise


Even though pay per click advertisement is an effective way for you to get leads via clicks received through search engine marketing, probably the problems that you could encounter is hyping what you offer. Over promising and hyping could spoil your Pay per click advertising campaigns.The result would be poor ROI.


Your primary target for Pay per click advertising would be to get the customers to click on the advert. If you over sell what you offer you might be leading the buyer into disappointment.


Hyping up the products or services you are promoting could make you look like all other search engine internet marketers on the web. Be uniquely genuine. Creatively genuine. Be genuine to stand out apart from the crowd.

However, very strange, but, honesty could be the best policy even in the marketing ” (simply, because it will make you appear unique and genuine)



#8 Figure out Your Key Demographic


There exists a very common misunderstanding among search engine internet marketers of exactly what their demographic really is.

To be able to convert clicks into product sales you will have to figure out what your key demographic would be. Are you perhaps selling to a client or are you selling to a business?

The major difference between both of these demographics is the lead-time. Whenever you’re selling to a client the lead-time is very short. The lead-time may last to a minute or so or even it may last up to a few days.

Nevertheless, selling to a client will give you a shorter lead-time and also enables you having access to even more conversions depending on clicks via Pay per click campaigns.

[ The Most Popular Internet Marketing Tools for Website marketing ]


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If you are a beginner marketer then don't forget to subscribe our blog Ads2020.Marketing as we mainly focus on the content related to digital marketing for beginners. You would get all kinds of resources (free/paid) required for digital marketing success.

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